I was told to stop exaggerating so many times, that I cannot even count the occasions. On every occasion I felt offended.
“I am not exaggerating!!” I used to shout out loud. I am expressing my perspective, my feelings, there is no room for exaggeration here. Exaggeration can only take place afterwards when I describe something to you or relate the situation. In expressing how I feel there is no wrong or right, I cannot feel too much.
It is this way, full stop. Or more like an exclamation mark.
This was my reality. It took me some time to realise the emphasis on my reality. Can reality vary? Can it be subjective? Well, it turns out it totally can. Individualism allows different people not only to see things from their perspective but also to feel different or more intense emotions when going through the same circumstances. Full grasp of the concept took me a little while, but the conclusions were refreshing and self-explanatory. At that time finally some past conflicts found their roots. Yes, we didn’t argue about what happened but how different the way we reacted to what happened was. I was getting restless that he didn’t get things that were obvious. Now, I understand these are not obvious things for him. Moreover, he doesn’t see these at all, and this is his reality, his only truth.
The breakthrough came when I heard and started to explore a more in-depth concept of highly sensitive personality (HSP). At first, as usual, with some reservations.
“Could that be me?” I Asked myself and those around me, who may know the answer.

The trait that was always picked up was that I have a very low tolerance of people’s helplessness. Therefore proving that empathy is neither my strength nor my weakness, rather that it depends on who is asking. After reading and comprehensively processing some findings in this regard (including the mother of this philosophy – Elaine N. Aron), I was happy to admit that I definitely am a highly sensitive person. I have all the characteristics, except empathy, which probably is some subconscious defensive mechanism I developed, aligned to how I am, how I live, how I process. The label scared me at first but now I am proud of it. I think this is one of my great strengths.
So, what now? I am the kind who hears in more depth, processes again and again, cries more often, is more scared than others and is much easier to get overstimulated. But … this also means that I laugh louder, love stronger and want to live my life on a meaningful level. When getting involved I give my entire soul and energy. I can make life more profound, therefore I advise you to take a seat, fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride. I promise you it will not be a boring one. So, when I am telling you something from inside of me, I am not exaggerating, I believe it is possible for one person to experience soooo much inside about something so insignificant to you. Take your time, listen to me carefully, bring tissues when I am getting tearful but always keep in mind that this is not due to weakness but the strength and power that I hold. When circumstances change, also be close, benefit from the fire inside and sparkles in my eyes. Reap the fruits of being around me when I am infectious with happiness and joy. Appreciate my highly sensitive nature.
If you are or suspect that you may be highly sensitive, I would like to encourage you to find the benefits in that, cherish this uniqueness in you. We are all amazing regardless of what type we are, there is nothing wrong in being overstimulated in this fast-running world. I think that especially because of the way humankind pushed itself to the corner of the continuous race, highly sensitive people are needed like a plaster on a wound.