I am sure that there was a time in your life when you had an opportunity to admire the sunrise with all it’s glorious colours and the warm light it emits. Personally I even prefer sunrises over sunsets. It has some sort of special magic in it, although I think that it can be that it starts the day and then it sets a good mood which I can take with me. Perhaps it’s only because I like beginnings more than endings? Who knows? 😉
In the last few weeks I pay extra attention to how the sky presents for us this magical spectacle. I purposefully open blinds and get out to take a closer look and gain the special energy it emits towards me. There are also days especially in the current season that do not start in a visible spectacular way. Sometimes, it is even difficult to establish whether the sun is already up or still paying hide and seek with clouds. We miss the welcome point and without great orchestra it shines.
As a highly sensitive person I have a tendency to give this extra attention and therefore extra meaning to rituals and celebration. I like to slow down a bit at the time and just live the moment to its full. This is helpful to set the right attitude and keep positive throughout the day. But at the same time what about the days when sun “gets in through the back door”? Unnoticed and not celebrated. Do these days not deserve to be happy or positive ones?
Recently I realised the obvious: regardless of me watching, celebrating sunrise or not the day comes after night. The new beginning still counts, this went deep into me. Of course there is nothing wrong with celebration when we feel that we want to celebrate. I think that it is needed. For people like me it is needed a lot. At the same time if something starts slowly, quietly without a spectacular opening it still can be a great thing. Coming back to the sunrise and meteorological analogy, we all know a day that starts with cloudy or rainy can still turn out to be sunny and warm. Everyday the sun rises giving a new beginning to a day and it doesn’t matter to it whether we celebrate it and if we choose to be happy that day.
How many times we were giving-up on projects because the beginning didn’t turn out to be as spectacular as we expected. With excitement we were looking forward to it, made our plans how it would be and when it turned out to be different, disappointed we closed it too soon. Of course not everything is to be successful, like not every rainy morning is to become sunny and warm, but here we are talking about all that has every potential to succeed but we give-up too soon. I started to believe that if my day project starts with no fireworks it still can be a great one and it definitely is worth continuing.
Ever since then I still allow magic to happen when I have a chance to admire and celebrate any big or small event but I don’t panic if it wasn’t what I wanted to be. I let it come to me and bring all the blessings it can give. Sunlight only lasts a few hours in the day and there is a limited amount of days humans are granted. Therefore, I don’t hold to unfulfilled expectations and rob myself from enjoying the glory that awaits me further down the line.
Finishing I would like to wish you the same, to be able to fully appreciate the celebration but at the same time do not cross out anything only because it didn’t come with fireworks.